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Benefits of PennzSuppress

  • Cost-effective - Low application rates
  • Enhances the driving surface – Extends road maintenance intervals
  • Long-lasting – Weather Resistant Dust Control
  • Environmentally friendly - Approved by dozens of state environmental agencies
  • Saves money - fewer applications means a significant decrease in fuel costs, labor costs, and water usage
  • User-friendly - Easy to apply, easy to maintain requiring no specialized equipment
  • Unique - Utilizes a safe, US sourced resin and a blend of high-performance penetrants and wetting agents
  • Safe - Reduces dust-related health and environmental concerns, and aids in complying with clean air and water requirements

PennzSuppress is Environmentally Friendly

  • Non-flammable
  • Non-carcinogenic
  • Non-corrosive
  • Extremely low in toxicity to fish
  • Non-inhibiting to plant growth
  • Contains no asphaltenes, chlorides, or salts

Go to www.pennzsuppress.com for complete product information.